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commerce. Keeping track of the number of sheep you have, how much grain your field produces on average, or what’s the population of your town and how much has it been growing, have all been major preoccupations for millennia. However, as a separate discipline, statistics emerged only in the late 18th century, and it has since then become a crucial tool in many areas of research and practice, from natural sciences to social sciences and beyond. Today, statistics is used to analyze and interpret complex datasets, to test hypotheses, and to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty. Its applications range from predicting weather patterns and stock prices to understanding the effects of policies and treatments, and from designing experiments and surveys to controlling quality and ensuring safety. In short, statistics is a versatile and indispensable field that continues to evolve and grow in importance in our data-driven world. Statistical Learning Statistical learning is a subfield of statistics that deals with finding functional relationships between various data points and using those relationships for prediction and understanding. Machine Learning On the most fundamental level, there is hardly any distinction between machine learning and statistical learning. Conceptually, they both refer to the process of using statistics to extract deep, meaningful relationships from data. Nonetheless, in practical terms machine learning is more reliant on the large-scale computational methods and more sophisticated algorithms than the majority of the more fundamental functions and algorithms involved in Statistical Learning. As the size of the dataset increases, and the number of features grows beyond a dozen or so, it becomes both conceptually and computationally difficult to keep track of the complex statistical relationship between the dependent and independent variables for instance. Simple linear models can still be used in many instances, but their predictive power tends to diminish. Predictive power is the characteristic of the model that tells us how well it can predict something given the data that it used as an input. Artificial Neural Networks Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a machine learning algorithm that has been inspired by the structure and a general perceived architecture of the animal neural tissue. Animal neural tissues, like all the other biological tissues, consist of a large number of individual cells. In a neural tissue, the particular cells that are responsible for the processing of the biological signals are known as neurons. Individual neurons receive signals from many neurons and transmit a modified signal to other neurons. It is the Gen AI: Revolutionizing the Way Enterprises Work 8

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